Due July 6th, but induced and born on June 29th


I was already having my own contractions Friday morning on the monitor, so the pitocin helped speed things along. I went in at 8am, broke my water at noon, epidural at some point during the day, and by 5:08pm Adalyn Louise Murphy made her entrance into this world. She was 8lbs and 19.5 in of perfection. I don’t have a fun or interesting labor story, she was here in a few pushes (but she’s also #4) I was able to feel my legs and a little pressure to push so my epidural was awesome. By the time I got to my room I was up walking. My mom ended up with a stomach bug and had to go home, but my 16 year old was able to be there for the birth of her sister, which was cool. I had my best friend and husband there as well. We have been home 2 days now and she’s perfect! But... I am tired as hell and breastfeeding has never came natural to me. I am trying so hard, but cracked nipples are for the birds. So good luck to you mama’s, your babies will be here soon! Just remember when you get home and get overwhelmed that it really doesn’t last long. I keep having to tell myself that because it’s a hard job being a new mom.