Ughhh HELP!!!

So recently I’ve been sexually active and it was with two different guys. One guy didn’t use a condom the other one did. The first guy didn’t pull out in me and I’ve gotten my period. The second guy had a condom but pulled out in with the condom on and I’m getting worried because I haven’t had my period in like a week and that’s not normal!! So the other day I was hoping and praying to God I’m not pregnant but I took a test and it said that I was. I told my sister she’s optimistic so she said I’ll be alright which I’m praying I am. But I’ve been cramping and been having a little blood when I pee (TMI) and those are usually signs that my period is about to start and it hasn’t started yet!? So I was curious should I just wait and hope and pray I’m not pregnant or take a test and go on from there?