9 weeks pregnant no real symptoms yet.

This is my first pregnancy and I expected the typical pregnancy symptoms - vomiting daily, dizzy spells, food cravings, headaches, frequent urination and feeling super tired. Aside constipation, food aversions and sore breast I feel completely normal. I never envisioned my first pregnancy would be smooth sailing. Everyone I’ve told has said I’m just one of the lucky ones. However, in the back of my mind I worry...if everything’s progressing well and is okay. I went to my GP at 4 weeks and did hcg testing over a period of 2 weeks and they were doubling. Had an ultrasound at 6+3 and everything was looking well there’s a a healthy heartbeat. So maybe I should relax but I’m scared. My next appointment will be with a midwife at 11 weeks. Anyone else going through this?