Boyfriend fight

Me and my boyfriend got in a huge fight. It did get physical I we both have bruises and scratches on ourselves. He was drunk and threw a 5th liquor bottle at me. It misses and hit the wall instead. He went back to his Moms and is getting the help he needs.

I do love him and care about him still I just want him to get better.

He apologized to me and he is getting the help he needs and he is a few days clean from drugs and alcohol. I accepted his apology but my family and friends hate him for what he did to me.

Am I wrong for accepting his apology and am I wrong for going back to work on things with him?

I love and care about him still am I wrong for that?

We also had sex a few times and he did cum in me. I just started my period when he did could there be any possible way that I could be pregnant too?