We struggled threw so much and we are so blessed to have such an amazing baby boy who is doing way b...

We struggled threw so much and we are so blessed to have such an amazing baby boy who is doing way better then what everyone thought. All every one could see was what man made Dr's guesses at cus we were in a 1% of 1% of 1% so all we ever heard was that no had the answers to why all these things were going on with our Little Warrior Atreyu but we always stayed positive no matter what and had nothing but faith in our little man. Now he was born 7 weeks early and he is breathing in his own and doing so amazing. So to any other mothers who have a Chorioangioma and need a amniotic fluid reduction followed by needing a blood transfusion for there little one just know you precious one can make it as well. Don't let some Dr who don't know a thing about it tell you to give up cus we didn't not for one min and look how blessed we are. We were also blessed to find the #1 Dr who dose specialize in this sort of rare case in Chicago Illinois his name is Dr Shabon he works at North Western medicine in Chicago