Question for In Home DC Providers


So this question is for In Home Daycare Providers. What are some of your pet peeves and thing that irritates you. Could be things parents do policies by the state etc.

Here are some of mine

1. Parents bringing sick children to daycare

2. Being called a babysitter (this my profession)

3. Parents trying to change my policies

4. Not bringing in new supplies for your child

5. Constantly picking up late or trying to drop off before I open

6. Not paying me on time.

7. Parents expecting me to find room for child’s thing(that aren’t allowed in my daycare)like diaper bags/backpack & car seats. I am not a storage space I don’t have room for it plus it’s a safety and health hazard.

Being said I do love my job and I love the kids but sometimes these things can be hard to deal with. No, not every parent does this but most do and I love my parents who are super respectful of my daycare.