Monistat 1 Day Treatment

Has anybody used the Monistat 1 Day treatment (ovule)? If so, did it work for you? What was your experience? I purchased the one day ovule last Friday due to the coming of a yeast infection. I frequently get yeast infections, so I know what it feels like when it comes creeping up. After insertion, I didn’t have any discharge, but I still have a very obnoxious itch down there. By Monday it had subsided to a slight itch. But now on Wednesday, all of a sudden I have just thick clumps of discharge, which I assume is the remnants of the ovule and there’s still a slight itch. I don’t know if this is normal or not. If I get Monistat, I usually go for the seven day treatment but this time I wanted something that would work faster, but its really not.