stick to your gut ladies!

at 35weeks I went to bed around 9 with what felt like Braxton hicks...nothing out the norm. over the night they intensified and by 4am I was counting steady contractions. woke my husband up and told him I needed to go to the hospital but it being early to go into labor he wrote it off as me being dramatic. so he went to work and I still had this feeling that something wasn't right so I packed up my hospital bag and got stuff ready for the baby. when he got back home in told him I needed to go to the hospital NOW! finally I convinced him and he dropped me off at the er. the nurse checked me in and said she doubt I would go into labor anytime soon and should probably go home but I was 7 cm dilated so they emitted me anyways. within the next hour I dilated to 10cm and 3 pushes later my son was born! I called my husband to tell him the news and he thought I was joking 😂 no matter what anyone says it's your body and no one will know it better than you!