Done with his ass for good. How would you react in this?
So my bf invited me to one of his cousins bbq’s and it was boring his fam was just watching us awkwardly his friend came too he’s a fam friend so he knows some of them but I just knew his mom and aunt . Although it was boring my bf was just like let’s get a plate of food then leave just to look respectful . Anyway his 10 yr old cousin was there and he was hanging around us and the friend we are 17+ so in my head I was wondering why is he chilling with us they were all cursing and talking abt shit and hes just there being annoying he should’ve been with the kids his age . He started making fun of me and talking abt my body and my edges (they were on fleek btw) and at first I brushed it off I’m like whatever haha yea funny 🙄 and then he almost kicked me in the head on purpose and I also brushed that off I was giggling like stop playing with me kid but I was really heated I was thinking wtf what if this kid had kicked me in my head . That’s a fight period regardless how old you are . You gon kick me in my head? I think the fuck not. If I didn’t move in time I could’ve been on the floor he also tried to slap me behind my head and I’m short we were close to the same height so I was literally right there . He was triggering me badly and ofc he’s just 10 so I was laughing it off till he got close and told me I’m stupid and called me a ugly ass and all this shit so I just told him shutup stop talking to me I was moving he was following me and doing all this extra shit so I straight up cursed him out like a grown ass man. You wanna bother me like your my age I’m going to curse you the fuck out like Ur my age. My bf was laughing he thought it was so funny which kept his cousin going because he felt like he was funny and a joker when he was really pushing me to my limits. I tried so hard to keep calm and then I told my bf plenty of times handle your cousin tell him to stop and get out my face he didn’t say a word then I almost made his cousin cry with the choice of words I threw at him which I didn’t give a fuck about . may seem childish but if you wanna act like ur grown im going to curse u tf out like your grown and beat your ass like your grown too since your mama not doing it. He’s scared of his mom so I told my bf go in there before I cursed him out .. go in there and tell her so she can straighten him up the kid threatened to kill me choke me to death all this bull shit . And I even stopped I moved away and he CONTINUED . So I told him take me home cause I don’t have time for this little ass kid to be in my face thinking he’s grown & ur not saying shit like that’s ur family straighten him the fuck up . Instead he told me I’ll leave your ass here lookin dumb as fuck don’t try me I’m not taking you home your attitude is wack because when I told him take me home twice he ignored me so I asked him is he deaf and then that’s when he wanted to respond I only had cash so I was trying to find a friend to cash app me money so I can take a Uber but ofc no one had money i was going to pay them back. Then he said let’s go like 30 mins later his friend was driving so he said take her home take her somewhere I was like thank you Jesus in my head I was so happy to go home then he takes me to another bbq and I’m like wtf when did I agree to this but I like that person hes a cool guy so I said w.e . My bf told me to smile and not embarrass him. before we went in I pulled him aside and said you should’ve handled your cousin he’s a kid and you should’ve told him to stay in his lane and I wouldn’t have to get out of character and he said okay he gave me a hug he agreed he was wrong only so I can make him look good in front of his friends because he did meet up with them. Any who they were lighting fireworks I was calm I was being neutral . The guy who had the bbq is really close to them hes around 40 but acts like a cool dad . He asked us yo man wtf is up I see the vibe is off and I explained and he told my bf you can’t get mad that she was mad at you because that’s your family you should’ve kept him in check man you can’t have him disrespecting her blah blah he said sometimes guys just don’t do the right shit ma it’s okay and he was laughing at my bf like dude she not feeling you right now . But you know I was fake and smiled . Now fast forward to when he was dropping me home we got into a argument About it and he said I’m embarrassing I shouldn’t have said anything .. I get tht but when you have someone in your face bothering you and threatening you and trying to HIT U that’s a grown ass man fuck the age that is not no damn kid. And I told him you should be embarrassed of your fucking family that they didn’t teach that little ass boy respect . Then he said so if a baby pee on you are you gonna curse him out like wtf that’s a bad comparison this kid was TRIGGERING ME like he’s a grown ass bully he also told me I allow words to get to me. I let it slide for a good hour then I had e-fucking-nough he said I’m embarrassing how do I look I look dumb blah blah (nobody seen us arguing except the neighbors who we don’t fucking know on the block and I didn’t give a fuck everyone was in the backyard and we were in the front of the house) he didn’t see where he could’ve stopped it or told tht kids mother. that is his family and it’s embarrassing that they didn’t teach tht little shit head respect for people. My little brother is also 10 and I’ll be damned if he was here arguing and disrespecting, threatening & trying to fight my bf . He’ll get his little ass whooped . He wouldn’t dare but I guess some people were raised different . He turned the music up in the car while he was driving to zone me out and he said I’m done talking to you idc I don’t want to hear you so I slammed the door while I hopped out and didn’t look back or say a word . He neverrrrr thinks how he could’ve made a situation better or how he is wrong. Like that’s your family wtf they represent you and you represent them. That’s your blood 🤷♀️. No class motherfuckers my parents would be so upset they already said his family is ghetto . even his aunt called me a bitch before a couple times for no reason and they said that’s just how she talks . Like wtf your gonna walk into a office and call everyone a bitch to because that’s how you talk ?? I also can’t see go out for 3 weeks because he got me home late and he didn’t even care like first of all you disrespected my moms rules and kept me out late to enjoy what you called fun but to me was a stupid lame ass day. Something told me to not even come should’ve listened to my gut. Should’ve stayed home comfortably and respected . He also said he’s not bringing me anywhere ever again and I could care less idgaf i don’t like his family anyway rude ass mfs . Don’t nobody want to be around those ppl🤷♀️also he said I need to get my priorities straight like bitch and you need to teach your whole family some fucking respect. I’m a really nice girl I don’t pay people any mind I dont bother anyone but when you come for me baby I am coming alllllll the way for you!!! We were like the same height so I guess he took me as a joke but I was really just thinking of ways I would whoop his ass with a belt like I’m his mama.
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