Am I being dramatic?

Ok so I liked this guy and my friend kinda liked him so I asked her if I could ask him out (she said she I could) so I was going to ask him out when he gets back from I take a nap and when wake up they're dating

So im freaking out like wtf bro you knew I liked him and legit not even 3 hours later you guys are I'm pissed and kinda just annoying her texts.....I think I'm being a bit dramatic because maybe me and him were just not ment to be because I mean they both said yes to dating...but he didn't know I liked him so maybe it was because he didn't know he had more options idk I need advice

Edit: ok so she told him about that ( don't worry she asked if she could ) and he said he would have actually said yes!...sadly they're still dating but I mean I'm happy for her so eh