am I testing too early


so I had my implant out 2 and half weeks ago and for the past week or so I've been feeling nauseous to the point I nearly want to be sick .. worse acne then normal (before AF acne) ... no period yet but had one episode of bleeding onto knickers but wernt aware of it at the time until I went to toilet ....boobs feel sore in certain ways but not too bad... getting cramps like period pain but no period yet while i was on implant I had no period pains when period started ... had sex a few times since having implant out ... but done a test yesterday and it was a negative am I testing too early? I think it's because I know I'm trying for baby I want to find it as soon as possible as when I found out I was preg with first child I didn't know until I was 10 weeks preg and second the clear blue digital test said 1-2weeks so found out quickly with him and want to find out quickly again ... the first time we had sex was the night after I had implant out so would I go from this time as I know fertility can get back to normal the moment it's taken out ... I've read wait 3 weeks from the last time had sex but how can I do this if regularly having sex lol