pms or baby?

my period is due Wednesday but we are TTC. I basically blew up at my boyfriend when I was home for my work break. I usually work 11+ hours a day for work. I came home and he just said he's tired and ready to take a nap, now I had been up at working for about 5 hours and he had been up for about an hour or an hour and a half and he didn't do anything. there were still dishes in the sink, that he told me he would do, laundry to be folded and a bunch of stuff to put away from our 4th of July. I have never been like this leading up to my period. I know things can different every cycle. but I've always had good moods leading up to and through my period. but I literally started yelling at him about us being so short on money, him being able to sleep in all morning while I'm out busting my ass to get us money again and then he tried to tell me he works all night. he works from 3-11 sometimes 12(midnight) but I'm up at 6 and I don't get to sleep till after midnight sometimes later depending how late he works. I just don't want to test yet because I haven't really had any symptoms of either except a few mild cramps after I ovulated and the past few days but I get them about a week or so before I get my period also.