Any other mommas experienced a "set back?"

Just a little vent session. I felt like a normal person all last week! Did a happy dance because I woke up and felt rested, and finally resumed all activities (such as housework and yard work) with no repercussions. I even was able to stand to do a whole sinkful of dishes! Went shopping and out to eat on Saturday. Then, BAM woke up Sunday from an awful nights sleep. Then, morning sickness became my best friend, and I was re-acquaintances with the toilet. Vomit and nausea were once again my best friends. Then, I got a great nights sleep. Woke up Monday and suffered all day through work. I don't normally actually throw up tho, mostly gag and go through the vomiting motions. Tried walking, light exercise, I have faithfully been taking my prenatal vitamins, I tried toast. Today I woke up naseous just laying in bed, and called in to work thinking if I tried more sleep, I could try it after noon. I slept until 11 and still felt terrible. Walking isn't helping. Any helpful advice is appreciated. Until then, I will just sit here and continue being emotional over this which is most likely not helping the situation.