I can’t believe my mother in Law

Lyndsy • Mother of 2 fur babies expecting Twins Feb 5 2021 🤰🏼🤰🏼First IVF Success!

So me and my husband have been battling male infertility for awhile now. Our only option is IVF or using a Sperm donor. My husband feels that IVF is pointless because there is a 50% chance is won’t work and it’s 14000. That’s a lot of money for something that’s only a 50% chance of working. Where as we can use a sperm donor through IUI and the IUI is covered through insurance and all we have to pay for is the sperm donor. My husband tells his mother everything and I mean everything. So he told her his plan and she flat out shut him down. She had my husband in tears and made him feel like it was the worst thing in the world. She told my husband that it was like I was sleeping with another man and that the baby would be the devils span. Now my husband is at a loss for words. We both want kids so badly and his choices just got a hole lot harder because his mom basically told him she won’t support him or us. We believe that all baby’s are gifts from God no matter how they are created. If my husband chooses to use a donor he should have the right to use a donor if he wants to do IVF then he can do IVF I’ll support him either way.