Early symptoms

Ashleigh • 💍Married👰 💙Mommy of a baby boy💙 💙Baby #2 Due November 💙

Okay so today I am 7 DPO and I know it’s to early to test. I’ve been having weird symptoms tho and wanted halls opinion.

I got a strong positive on OPK on the 28th of June and today is July 5th.

1 DPO- bloating , slightly nauseous

2 DPO-no appetite

3 DPO - no energy , moody, cramps, no appetite


4 DPO- acid reflux, cramps, gagged over green olive

5 DPO- cold symptoms pulling in pelvic area

6 DPO- cold symptoms, cramp, nauseous, no energy

7 DPO- nausea!! No energy, Pulling in right ovary area , tense stomach, thick sticky cm ( I never get cm idk why)

* I took a OPK just for the heck of it even tho I already ovulated a week ago and it was lightly positive but HPT was negative.

I threw away the HPT and 2 hours later came back and seen a faint line but it was prob a evap .

All day today I have been nauseous like I’m starving but soon as I get up to get food I’m nauseous again