He’d unblocked me...

So...he’d unblocked me from Facebook so he could video chat and see his son. I tried to take some people’s advice on not completely giving up on him. So I agreed. After a few min, he tried sweet talking me. I almost fell for it. Because I do love him still. But anyways, today I woke up to these texts

(Ignore the nickname. He put it there every time I tried to clear it)

I will admit I wasn’t completely mature afterwards. It’d been a long night, I’m still hurting from him, and I’m sick of his attitude. So I did get a little smart mouthed.

Well we got into an argument. He tried denying his son (again) and this time is trying to tell people my son is actually his brothers and not his🙄 all because he’s light skinned and not dark like him. his brother didn’t even live in the same state as us. And I’d only ever met him twice. Both times, my bd was with me the WHOLE time. Plus I’m not that type of person.

Well, I got fed up with it. How he talks to me, how he talks about his son, etc hasn’t changed, won’t change, and will never change. So I blocked him so he can’t cause any more stress to me. I’ve had to go back to my therapist and he has made it very clear he doesn’t want me to have ANY contact with him whatsoever for AT LEAST a month.

So I blocked him. And as backlash, he posts this bull shit to try to hurt me. Or maybe he’s actually finally confessing to shit I’ve already known🤷🏼‍♀️

He’s so sick and twisted. I’ve told everyone that I don’t want to hear anything about him anymore. No mention of his name. No screenshots. Nothing. He’s so toxic. He’s caused a lot of mental, emotional, and physical damage. And I have to protect my son from that. He keeps saying he loves his son (he’s 9 1/2 weeks old and he still hasn’t ever met him) but then tries to deny him any time he gets irritated or doesn’t get his way. Im so tired y’all.

Here’s some screenshots from the past few months that’ll just tell some of the story for me so y’all can understand the situation better. I can’t believe I put up with this

(I used to cut really bad and he knows this)

^^^^ when I sent him $200 shoes HE picked out, but then he realized he doesnt like any Velcro on his shoes. I didn’t get him anything else after that.

^^^hed just randomly get like this then call me a piece of shit etc

^^^then this

In my other phone I have pictures of a hole in the wall the size of my body from when he slammed me. He’d gone through that phone and deleted any pics I had of marks on my neck from where he’d grab me. He would hold my head down by my hair and pin me then raise his fists and threaten to knock me out if I kept trying to kick him off me. There were some times when we’d be having sex that if something hurt I would tell him to stop and he’d pin me and tell me to “take it”. Sometimes leaving me in tears. He’d push me around a lot. He’d pick me up and throw me out of our room if I irritated him. He’d make me sleep on the couch if I made him mad. He’d ignore me pretty much all day and night unless we were having sex. Even if I took him out to eat, or we went on walks. He’d just put his headphones on and do his own thing. When I finally told him about being raped a while back, he called me a liar and told me I was disgusting and was gonna break up with me. He’d cheated too. Idk how many times or all who with.

One time, we got into an argument and he started pushing me around the from yard in front of everybody. I started crying because i wanted to kill him at that point. I was so beat down and was just nothing. He wouldn’t let me in the house. Just started making fun of me for crying and kept pushing me. After a while he finally let me in the house because his mom told him to leave me alone. So I ran and hid in the bathroom. I locked the door. He came by and saw the door was open and busted the door down, grabbed me by my jacket, picked me up by it, shoved his forehead against my face and started screaming in my ear to delete a comment I made to him on Facebook. (I’d told him he’d tossed me around like a rag doll). Yes it was childish for me to be even on Facebook in the first place. Anyways, he kept telling me with his fist balled up that he was gonna fuck me up if I didn’t delete that and anything else he didn’t like. When I got my phone to do it, he slapped it out of my hand onto the ground and kept cussin me out. Then he sat me down and watched me delete the comment. Then walked away. 10 min later was in my face trying to hug me and joke around and make excuses for his actions. “If you hadn’t ___ then I wouldn’t have ____”.

Our argument that lead to is finally breaking up for good, I caught him trying to hook up with his ex fuckbuddy. Confronted him about it. He started calling me an insecure bitch over and over and over again. The called me just to tell it at me and call me stupid. Then proceeded to threaten to have my mom jumped. Then told me “people just like your pictures. But nobody wants to really fuck with you. They just want to fuck you. That’s why you have no friends. You ain’t shit”. My son was sitting right on my lap. I know he can’t understand what’s being said yet, but it’s still the fact that he’d say shit like that in front of him to begin with.

He drained me of everything. I lost so much weight from stress and depression from me.

I’m sorry for the long post. I just needed to rant for a sec, because I refuse to put this up on Facebook and I don’t know anyone really I can actually talk to this kind of stuff about that would really understand how it is...