Postpartum cycles


Okay so I have a question for y’all. My baby is 15 almost 16 months. My cycles have came every 2 months just about since he was about 10 months old bc of breastfeeding. Last month my cycle came at exactly 27 days which is unlike me period bc I haven’t had truly normal cycles since right before I got pregnant with him. I had two normal 31 day cycles and got pregnant very unexpectedly because my cycles have always been wonky. I am not on birth control either. I got off of it at 12 months postpartum. Now here I am in another cycle and it’s been very different. First of all I’ve always had major issues with insomnia since I was like 19. I’ve claimed it was hormonal related because that’s the age my cycles became irregular with the implanon. I’ve had major issues with sleep since this. This cycle I am exhausted y’all. It’s not like me to want to sleep this much. I mean I am sleeping hard which I am enjoying but it’s definitely not like me. Yesterday I had a sharp pain in my left ovary. Just a sudden sharp pain and now I’m cramping like I’m gonna start again. I usually pms a week before I start or two. I haven’t had much discharge this cycle which is weird too bc I usually do. Like it’s usually my norm. We have had sex twice this month. Sad I know 🙈 but no issues with moisture with sex. This cycle has been so abnormal for me. Wonder what’s up? Hormones regulating?