Did I have a miscarriage? Long story but please help!


So I lost my virginity November 3rd 2016, we weren’t able to finish so when we hung out again we had sex on the 5th, he came inside of me with a condom on (like sick dude ? Way to converse with me) I was not on the pill.

Sometime in November I got my period. My periods usually as heavy, painful and lots of blood clots, as I have endo. I get irregular period but it was weird to me because I felt like I had just had my period 🙄 It was. SUPER LIGHT. Then (can’t remember if it was a couple days after period ended or not) when I wiped I felt something hard so I looked at the toilet paper and there was something about 1cm by 1cm maybe a tad bit bigger... it looked like a BABY

Not one of those picture of the embryo but like if you were to take a full sized baby that all squished up in a belly and shrink it down to that size and had no eyes... THATS WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE!!! Like a tiny baby holding it knees close to its chest.

For some reason I didn’t take a picture of this so I’m dumb..

All of December I don’t have a period ^

Then in January I get a light period and then a REALLY BAD HEAVY CRAMPING PERIOD and on January 27th I feel something while I’m peeing.. it felt like a big slug was falling out of my vagina 🤢 so I instantly got up and looked and it had curled up and looked like that you see in my hand below (GRAPHIC)

So I think maybe that night or the next one I went to the hospital, the women told me it looked like a miscarriage but when she did a pregnancy test it came back negative and it was a mc it would have came back positive

Not sure if relevant but this was from my previous post back in 2017 after the above pic happened

Then all of February I don’t have a period

So some extra points and thoughts

-the guy I lost my virginity to ended things the next day so I wasn’t having sex after that until feb with a new guy

-just a thought but could the first thing I saw have been a baby (or would it not be that big I guess?) and then the second thing be the placenta?

I never get light periods so it was weird for me but my periods are so irregular that I’ll have it 7 days and then skip a month and have it for 30