Hoping its a baby 😱

Savannah • Recovering addict & alcoholic ❤👶Due 6/11/19 👶❤

Me and my boyfriend have never used condoms, so its a lot of unprotected sex going on. Well, the 28th he didn't pull out. I didn't start my period and I'm 4 days late, my nipples feel sensitive and I'm having white kinda milky discharge. I'm waiting til next week to take a test just to be sure.

Honestly, he and I are both hoping its a baby. I was scared for a while I was infertile, I thought I had ruined my body completely when I was a drug addict. Now that I'm clean and sober, I just want to have a family and give my baby all the love I never had as a kid. ❤

Any ladies have thoughts on if these could possibly be pregnancy symptoms?