apologies in advance

🦄 Lulu 🦄 • 💟🦄🌈

I'm not sure how else to ask other than to just say it a it is so . Has anyone experienced diarrhoea and not a bloated belly as such but the feeling that an alien is trying to break out of your stomach ahead of a positive pregnancy test ?

I half think it's my brain trying to convince me I am when im not but this is odd for me it's not how I usually experience diarrhoea I normally get horrible cramps but I'm not just what I mentioned above and the odd kind of shock type feeling around my stomach

ive tried so hard to get myself to stop over thinking it but then when I put it together with the fact my nipples have been so painful if I brushed them they hurt and I've cried at the most stupid stuff and falling asleep all the time my brain is trying to convince me otherwise