When is it my turn?


So my husband and I have been trying off and on for about a year. His sister in-law who has two kids 6 and 9 announced a new arrival last Thanksgiving. I was crushed because it was so unexpected and I wanted it to be me. Now at 4th of July my sister announced a new arrival due in January and my sister in law is due in August. It would be so awesome to get pregnant now so I can share the experience with my older sister. I pray that it's my turn soon. I am happy for my sister because they are older than me and I know they wanted these families for a long time. Like I said we just started trying a year ago, which was just getting off BC but now a year later here we are counting days and trying to hit it right. good luck to those who have tried longer and congrats to those who have been blessed so far. God had a plan for all of us!

Thanks for reading and the support!