Who knows? (Rant with screenshots)

Lola • Trying for a rainbow baby ♥️

I'm losing my shit kids.

Got a friend with a disabled child through attempting to get him out when he was 24 weeks pregnant.

So recently we became friends again

And I'm late on my period so I need to do a test... also the doctor told me it's either pregnancy or a bug to do a test ASAP (out of hours doctor)

I told her, she then accused me of making her child ill? (Not even contiguous bug and need to do a test like I said above) so I said "I need to not rule out pregnancy"

She then told me to take a test?

So I said I can't until the morning

And she said it's all bullshit???!

Screen shots below

Because I'm too pissed off to explain.

*for anyone who's wondering I took a test but accidentally picked up a digital and I'm only 4 days late... it came it negative but I have crazy heart burn*