HELP?! Reflux, formula issue, or what?! Looking for adice

Hi all! First time mom here. For starters I am currently formula feeding my 6 week old baby girl due to issues with breastfeeding. We started on Enfamil gentle ease and noticed that our little one seemed very uncomfortable and began spitting up. She was then switched to a soy formula. She still spit up, but not as much. However, she became constipated. She grunted and strained all day long, even in her sleep. We were having to give her prune juice everyday and even with that she would scream in pain during every bowel movement. After two weeks the doctor changed her to Nutramigen. I thought for sure that this would be the cure for all of her discomfort, and the first few days she seemed better and was sleeping at night. This last week however she honestly seems worse. She is spitting up with almost every feed, even hours later at times in her sleep (it’s even clear at times). She seems inconsolable lately. Unless she is eating or sleeping she is seemingly miserable. Also, she sadly never sleeps peacefully. She is always flailing around, continuing to grunt, arch back and kick. We give her mylicon drops, because the doctor said she could hear the gas bubbles in her stomach, but they don’t do much to alleviate her pain. I’ve gone to the pedi 5 times now and feel like we are getting no where. They keep saying she is gaining weight nicely and we’re hoping the formula switch would be just what was needed. I’m honestly at a loss as to what to do and feel like I am going crazy! Has anyone else had this trouble and if yes what did you do?