Feeling alone sometimes

Tiffany • Maverick born 11/30/15. Loving the mom life now.
What's crazy about this is that everyone around me has kids or is pregnant and I am very close too but I feel like it's just me sometimes. I'm im this on my own I feel. 
 In addition to that,I feel like this pregnancy isn't as exciting to anyone. Anyone. Even my husband. I kind of want something to be about me. I know it sounds selfish and a little bit it is but all of my life I spend someone making everyone else happy and I just want something to be about me. I also,while I tell myself I look pregnant,still just feel like I'm getting larger rather than more pregnant. I take pictures every week but I've asked my husband too and he never does. I've asked him to make me feel more something,anything and still..nothing. Ugh. Sorry if I'm whining or rambling but I don't know who I can say these things to that won't think I'm crazy. Maybe it's just hormones.