Is this real life?!??


>A bit lengthy, but worth the read 😉


Hubs & I have been ttc for almost 3 yrs now. I hit that *HARD* wall of depression after complications with work & a MC😥 in Jan.

We had a wonderful fishing trip planned for a week with his parents @the end of May. We got super excited bc I was having all the symptoms: sensitive to smells, (night) sickness, late by 4 days, etc. -His father had been relentless about grandchildren from his eldest (which of course, ¡sucks!, 'hello, were doing everything we can here!!'); so we were eager for the opportunity to FINALLY be able to give him/them the news!!!

***then that b*tch (mother nature) comes strolling through with her red thunder, raining-> sh*tting, on our "parade".***


Fast-forward a month & I wake up @5 am (TOTALLY unlike me, esp. on the weekend) & decide to pee on a stick...

I think I'm still in shock tbh. It's been a week & I've been confirmed by my dr.s... So weird to say: "I'M PREGNANT".

I would read through these articles in the community with complete envy (sometimes anger/resentment to be completely transparent) wondering what was wrong with me.

The answer is, NOTHING. Not a damn thing, it just wasn't time for me yet (ik, I'm rolling ·my own eyes· at me 😂 BUT ITS TRUE!)

I'm writing this message out of love, for all you ladies needing an extra sprinkle of baby dust, a little pick-me-up, some glimmer of relatability: I waited 1 mo. shy of 3 yrs for my miracle but it *needed* to wait.. I needed to transition into a better career path, get myself to a positive wonderful mental place, exercise for the strength my little one needs from me, track my ovulation, take my prenatals, coordinate with my dr., etc. that's what *I* needed..

>>Find out how to make YOU your best and I pray He gives you blessings right where you need it.