Don't know what to do

I moved across country with my SO to look after his adult brother (20 yrs old) who has been to jail and done drugs and almost OD on Benadryl. Tonight he came home with medical mouthwash and dry shampoo you can't buy in stores and was gone for 3 days in a row and Got paid yesterday and came home with $5 and has a job application even though he just started working 2 weeks ago and was worried he wouldn't pass his drug test even tho weed is legal here and fine. my boyfriend punched him in the face cause he was stumbling and looked drunk. Now that's normally not a problem but he's been hanging out with 17 year old and 30 year olds who get these kids high and drunk. He claimed he wasn't and went downstairs, didn't even notice his nose was bleeding. He was staring at himself in the mirror and was trying to say he wasn't but my boyfriend could smell it on his breathe. He then claimed he smoked a blunt with someone who was drinking and said he stilled something on him at work. Took a light to his eyes and his eyes stayed dilated and glossy. My boyfriend hit him again and his nose started gushing and he wasn't even aware, he was just standing there. He went back to staring at himself and barely cleaned up the mess. Violence isn't the answer but when this guy has pulled a knife on their grandma and is fucking around with underage girls, my boyfriend doesn't stand for his shit, they grew up with gangs and this is how they communicate

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