I’m so happy to start my period! (After a miscarriage)


Just a month ago my husband and I were so happy to have our first baby. We both felt like another world opened up to us; a world of another type of love and happiness. We got to spend 2 weeks with our little angel but unfortunately at 6 weeks and 4 days we had a miscarriage. We were both so crushed. That entire month I’ve been depressed, like random crying kind of depressed. Ugg I didn’t want to go out because I’d start crying! I ate everything in sight and more. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 4 weeks and 4 days later I’m now able to wake up in the morning and not think about that morning I woke up with blood on my underwear. The days are getting easier to talk to people and not cry.

Tomorrow is an exciting, sad and bitter day for us. Tomorrow I would have been 12 weeks pregnant, we would have had our 2nd ultrasound done to confirm everything is ok, it’s also our wedding anniversary and the day we were going to announce our pregnancy to our family. But I feel like god gave me a sign today and he allowed me to start my period the day before my wedding anniversary and the day before we were going to announce our pregnancy. I have a strong faith that the lord will bless my future, whether it’s with a baby or not, I know he has something great planned for me. But for some reason when I started my period today, I felt like that was him blessing me and letting me know although we lost a baby another baby will be coming. So although tomorrow is going to make me a bit sad, I feel excited to finally start my period and be able to conceive again shortly. Amen!