Had a Membrane Sweep Yesterday


At 39+2, it was about 24 hours ago and I've been in bed a lot since, just tired and at first I was cramping so bad I barely could even climb into my bed. I got up in the night and sat on my yoga ball, walked around a little. I'm still spotting but nothing else is happening now lol I was so sure it was gonna happen for me yesterday and now I'm not so sure anymore. Have another appt on Mon for another sweep if it doesn't work this weekend. Did anyone experience what I'm experience and still go into labor within 48 hours? I went to the bathroom a little bit ago and the spotting came out almost like water but it was pinkish so I don't think it was my waters, but still having a lot of spotting today. I just read though that amniotic fluid can be pink tinged so now I'm not sure since it was so watery. How do you know lol