
I met this guy when I was about 12-13 years old because his dad dated my mom, and he was about 15yo. Our parents encouraged us to talk to each other on the phone and i just grew attached to him. Fast forward about 8 months later, he got arrested and was sentenced 13 years in jail. We kept in constant contact since then, and when I was about 17 years old, (him still being locked up) we began dating. I genuinely loved him, he knew more about me than people who I’ve dated out here. Well obviously it was just puppy innocent love because realistically there was no way of me waiting a decade to just feel his touch. We broke up; and I had my fair share of relationships since then, and so did he (yes he had a lot of relationships in jail lol) but we’ve always managed to keep in contact and remained on good terms. Fast forward, 10 years later, I am now married (for 5 years) with a daughter. He came into my mind so I decided to reach out to see how he was doing, and he responded on how much he misses me and how he loves me and pretty much just saying everything that I wanted to hear— that I do not hear from my husband at all. Well, he’s getting released in about 19 months. I just can’t stop thinking of him, but I also can’t stop thinking how wrong it is for me to speak to him because i love my husband. I keep telling myself that I need to ignore my ex and live happily with my husband and daughter. But I can’t help it that I feel so happy to just be complimented on how beautiful I am by my ex because I definitely haven’t heard anything close to that since I’ve been with my husband.. obviously I will not leave my husband over my ex, but I need help on how to cut the communication with my ex before I hurt my husband and lose him!!!