
I been at this job about a week I’m just 19 yr and my coworker is 40 yr the fact that she remembers this brakes my heart ... she told me that when she was 5 yr she had a baby sister she was 8 months at the time her mom hired a babysitter...

She was playing outside making dirt cakes she wanted to go inside to wet her “cakes” she try going inside she tough the babysitter didn’t see her come in , the babysitter told her no to go back outside and play she waited a little longer she went back inside when she was done wetting her “cakes” she turn around and she saw her babysitter in the bathtub full of water and baby face down she didn’t know what to do she was just 5 she didn’t know to pick her up or what she heard her mom come in she went down stairs try to get her mom attention she ignored her , her mom was talking to the babysitter the babysitter was making dinner .... once she said “ the baby “ her mom ran to the baby ... she went outside her dad was just getting home he just finish parking her mom comes outside running with the baby in her hands and her dad just drops ... ( nothing happen to the babysitter nothing they let her go ... ) and the babysitter she has 2 kids and back then she had a 8 month old as well and still got the guts to ask the lady if she could have the baby girl clothes... be aware who you leave your kids with this is fucking sad idk how things where 35 years ago but the fact she got away with it makes me sick to my stomach