He changed his mind.

So you guys have probably seen a bunch of post from me. But I have no one else to talk to with a open mind. So my SO and I have been together for 4 years he moves away about 2 weeks ago (two hours away) and has asked me to come get him because he wants to come back home (I have a car he doenst) but he ends up changing his mind every time. Cause his family talk him out of it.

He moved two hours away to finish his schooling and find a better job, but has recently told me he was running away from our relationship and being a dad. We have a 18 month old and I’m currently pregnant. He was the main provider in the family and he up and leaves one day, I’m currently looking for a job but it’s a lot harder when your pregnant. Him on the other hand has had 6 job overs down here. And he could finish his schooling in 6 weeks here but if he stays up there it’ll take till December. But like I said he didn’t really move up there to do his schooling, he moved up there to “provide for his family” and i don’t mean us. I mean his biological family that left him when they were young because his mom was on drugs and had sex for money. He says he is going to send money to his son but has yet to do so and yes he has made plenty. He is painting his foster mothers house for money. He says he hasn’t see his family his whole life and has seen us for the past 4 years (my son is only 18 months) he said he is not giving them up again it’s our turn to be given up.

I just don’t understand. And well yesterday I brought our son up to visit and he decided he wanted to leave and come back he got all his stuff in the car and we left. But the whole 2 hours home he changed his mind and wanted to go back, he told me that I’m going to have to take him back today. And pick him up again on Wednesday so he can go on our family vacation which my family told us if we buy all the food they will buy EVERYTHING Else. So it’s basically free for us. But I cant go bring him home and come back and get him in a couple days! (The reason he “wants” to go home is because he wants to finish painting for his foster mother” and then I can come back) but he is so Manipulative he’ll have me take him back and never see his son again.

I just think he family are wrong for wanting him to be so far from his son. It’s not like he can’t visit them. When he makes some money, send them money, etc. they are grown ass adults and they treat him like he is their father (his sisters) i dont know maybe im in the wrong for wanting him to stay around for his son.. i dont know that’s why I need advice.

I told him if he wants to go on vacation with us he has is to stay down here but then he keeps bringing up he’ll pay for gas when he makes it. I dont know he is excepting me to take him back this after noon. Right now he is staying with a friend 40min away from us and I don’t think I’m going to do it. But I need a good excuse, my grandma always lets me borrow money even if she don’t want too. Maybe I’ll say she won’t let me have gas this time. Or should I take him ?

I dont know .

PS. I know this is a weird situation. We are both 22 years old by the way . I’m depending on family right now cause he left. And I can’t find a job to hire me. He has 6 job overs down here that he won’t take because he wants to work for his mom for $40 a day.