Household duties


So, recently tried to have a conversation with my boyfriend about house hold duties. Last week, he said “hey, can you finally get to the dishes in the sink?” When he had been at home while I was at work all week. (Disclaimer: the dishes were NOT in the sink all week. I had left them there from that morning, but I work outside our home and he can bring his office to our home and work from home if he wants or needs to. This particular week, he was at home working)

Tonight, I tried to talk to him about splitting up some of the responsibilities. I’m currently an intern and he’s an attorney managing his own practice. I know he’s busy. I know he has to do all the crappy stuff to keep a Business going and growing, by what’s wrong with helping me do dishes if you see they’ve began to collect, or helping me with laundry when you see it just needs to be put away? I thought that’s what a lot of couples do.

Right now, I’m not making any money and I understand that my role kid if is to keep things clean. I don’t mind doing those things, but, I don’t like him seeing dishes that need to be washed or things that need to be picked up, not doing it, and then telling me to do them.

So, as long winded as that intro was, What do you guys do for household chores? If you’re a woman and you work outside the home, do you still do all the dishes and laundry? If you’re a woman and you work inside the home, how are chores delegated? If you’re a man, how do you feel about this? Is it fair or unfair to ask for help every now and then? How do you guys split these things up? Or do you?

My boyfriend told me he hates doing laundry and dishes and that he’s end up paying for someone else to do those things.... so... I’d rather just do it myself and save the money it would cost to bring someone in.

Is it okay to feel a little frustrated that he flat out refused to help?