Sex last night

So yesterday my husband and I went to volunteer for a car wash to help my sister raise money for a trip. We both showered early. Turned the A.C on. Then went downstairs to make dinner. After dinner we watched some tv and sat on our phones . He looks at me and says “wanna go do the naughty?”

I am thinking oh yes. We rush upstairs. He is like “suck me real quick” so I am thinking ughhhh. He whispers to me “don’t worry I got you”


He is already hard. Like he was ready for me to suck the life out of him. I get to work. I am rotating my hand up and down his cock, my mouth is slobbing on his nob at the same time, and holding his balls with my other hand. He starts moaning. I keep going and I am getting wet as fuck. He says “shiiiiiit” and cums all in my mouth.

I start laying down getting ready for my turn.

He busts out the dildo and turns the vibrator on. I am wet like a waterfall already. He opens my legs and starts rubbing the dildo up and down my pussy. He sticks it in and starts licking my clit while sticking the dildo in and out. Omg the first 30 seconds I cam. He kept going. My hands were grabbing the sheets and pillows. He was pleasing my body so good, I couldn’t take it. I started to close my legs and he grabbed my thighs and kept doing his thing. Omg I orgasmed like 3 times. He fucked the shit out of me doggy style right after.

My gosh last night was the shit. I went to bad all happy and shit. Woke up all happy and shit.