
My boyfriend and I have been together now for 3 and a half years. We have had a lot of challenges, which we have tried to work through. Some things just seem to never change. He didn’t have a close family and his mother died when he was young, I’m not making excuses but he doesn’t understand how family works. He always makes comments about how fairy tale my mom and i’s relationship is. Her and I have been through everything together, she’s my rock. He always says it negatively. I know he’s just jealous he never had that, or when my dad helps me out with money he always makes comments about how he wishes he had family to just “give” him money. I always tell him back, well I hope your that way with our kids. Just because you didn’t have that kind of support doesn’t mean you can’t be that later in life when your a parent but It’s hurtful, and the amount he says it adds up. He doesn’t really have any close friends so he is always alone of his days off, and when I have my days off I usually try to spend time with my mom or my best friends. He always makes comments about me going out, and he doesn’t. Just seems really controlling. I am at a place in my life where I want to move forward with life and I just don’t know, does this seem okay?