bad doctor visit- cried all the way home

I had an appointment today at 2:45 at my UTMB office. They didn't get me back into a room until 3:45- which wasn't bad because I figured they were just busy. but once I was in there it wasnt until 5pm that a doctor- not my usual one, someone new- came in and immediately started lecturing me about my blood sugar levels bc i have GD- asked me what I had for lunch (toquitos since i was in a rush) and then practically yelled at me for not following their diet. I tried to tell her I had been following it and using sugar free stuff- but bc my levels were still higher than what they should be- not even by much-she told me my baby could die. then set me up on a fetal monitor, said i have to come 2x a week now for him to be monitored. I tried telling her our car broke down-and i had to borrow my brothers for this unexpectedly long visit so I didnt know if i had a ride-but she ignored me to tell me all about my baby dying again. I'm already on a medication I have to take before dinner- and now ill be on more bc she says i need it.

like, I get the importance of this. if anyone doesnt want my baby to die it is me- and I am doing all I can already- but she didnt have to make me wait hours to then yell at me about how my baby might die. I cried all the way home.