
*i already posted this but I wanted to edit a few things*

Here’s the story: my boyfriend and I have known each other for 6 years and have been dating for 2. His mother just got divorced and decided she wanted to move to Chicago and live with his sister. His mother lived in Florida and asked my boyfriend for help to send all of her stuff to Chicago and it ended up costing him 2500 dollars (opposed to the original 1500 she asked for). Anyway, I think he spent just over 3K after the plane ticket, gas and hotel to make their trip to Chicago. Once he gets there he realizes that his mother took out a pretty hefty 401K loan rather than ask for money in the divorce. To help her pay off the 401K loan, my boyfriend was planning on selling his truck, motorcycle and pit bike which totals about 10K. I know this is going to get some hate, but we live in Minnesota and he only sees her every 5 years.

I know that when I originally posted, I said that I wouldn’t see any of the money but I guess that was kind of a lie. We have talked about buying a house in the next year and having kids in about 2 years so I thought we were both saving up for that. Also, this whole situation has left him with about 300 bucks in his bank account. I’m not trying to say that he shouldn’t help his mother, I just think there is a point at which you need to let her do her own thing. I know we are not married and what’s his is his but seriously , would you be okay with your SO spending 10K?

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