Congestive heart failure?¿

I’ve been really anxious about my health lately.

(Sorry this is so long, I would really appreciate it if you read it, I could use some help) A while ago, like maybe 6 months ago probably longer, like a year actually but it feels more like 6 months. Which is kinda embarrassing that I’ve been worrying about it for so long but it’s because I haven’t really felt the same since. But anyway I was admitted into the hospital for 4 days for one morning having an episode of shortness of breath, really fast heart rate/pounding heart, shaking, and fatigue. Now I will say I was literally up till like 6am, when the episode happened, without falling asleep once. I’m pretty certain that my lack of sleep was the main cause. So anyway at the doctors they set me up on a heart monitor and a cardiologist did some sort of scanning of my heart and said it was fine which should ease my anxiety which did at the time but now I’m so anxious about the fact that my heart was abnormally fast in the first place. At the end of my stay they concluded my resting heart rate was faster than average and said that I was just the special %5 of people whose heart rate is this fast. But at the end they did diagnose me with acid reflux (which I heart can effect your heart and lungs) and asthma. Now I was pretty sure I don’t have asthma still kinda am but ever since the day I have had been feeling like I’m not getting enough air at night when I lay down especially but throughout the day too. I realized this could be asthma but the dr said that if u don’t treat asthma it will get worse and worse. They gave me an inhaler and for the first few months I used it but then completely stopped because I was pretty sure I didn’t have asthma. And I have a lot of dust in my room which I would think would give me an asthma attack/make it worse but maybe my idea of an asthma attack is is just wrong. I also heard this breathing thing could have something to do with my heart and acid reflux(which can effects the heart and lungs, or so I’ve heard) among some other things. Also another thing I’ve been concerned with is a heart attack. I am only 16 but I have a risk factor. I’m going to be honest here don’t judge but I do have really bad oral hygiene. I almost never brush my teeth. (Again DON’T JUDGE.

*Just to give you a better understanding but skip if you want.* I’ve had a really bad habit of not brushing my teeth since I was little. My family used to be really poor most of our life, we lived in our car and didn’t have access to do those things but I will say my mom tried hard and would get us those portable toothbrushes(u use them once then throw it away) (which I think I struggled with back then too.) and mouth wash. This was really long and kind of unnecessary to say but I’m just trying to explain so maybe you can try to understand instead of judge.

*unnecessary about my hygiene info skip if u want*

For some reason it doesn’t really even cross my mind, like I literally forgot for a while that I should be doing that...but sometimes it randomly pops into my head and I’m like when was the last time I brushed my teeth😳.. and usually when I think about it I force myself to brush my teeth and try to get the habit down but it never lasts)

Anyway I heard that the plaque from your teeth can get into your blood vein create a blood clot causing a heart attack. I’m on my period and I’ve noticed my period has been really clotty (not a word but you know what I mean😂😬) and thick, seems almost sticky too. I find my gums bleeding like when I do try to brush my teeth they always bleed so I’m afraid that the plaque is going to get/has gotten into my blood stream and cause clots. So with that concern I also have a concern of congestive heart failure. For the past like 4 years I have had very bad phlegm, it’s been off and on but recently it’s been more frequent, an every day thing. So that could be my acid reflux(again, I’ve heard it could effect your heart.But it could also be so many other things like congestive heart failure or maybe it’s just all of it jeez😂😐. But with congestive heart failure I just know that I really lack exercise/activity(I know I’m a mess all around..) so I’m pretty sure that alone can cause your heart to get weak because your not working the muscle out.

*let me explain, skip if you want*

It’s super hot here, like 112 degrees, I don’t have friends(sad I know..😬), there’s nothing to even do, I’m homeschooled and I have very bad social anxiety so I don’t even want to do anything, in my head I do but in reality it never works out so I rather say in my small house doing nothing but in affect ruining my health which is frustrating because I’ve been doing nothing for years so I’m so used to it. *

So I’m not sure if I left stuff out but to conclude this I will say I ABSOLUTELY HATE going to the doctors. It’s just the worst. Especially with my really bad social anxiety it’s just the worst situation for me. They always ask questions I’m not prepared for/don’t know the answer to/not sure how to answer, I never even end up saying what I need to say because I’m so anxious, I end up stuttering, they look at me like I’m crazy, I get super anxious it gets hard to even make eye contact, its just dreadful, ugh😣😖😫. It’s not even just the social interaction that makes me nervous but I have all the machines and needless and just the whole process in general, so that why I’m here. Now even tho I hate the dr’s I really think I’m going to make an appointment anyway because I really don’t want to have a darn heart attack..and I’m just sick and tired of worrying and staying up all night thinking about it, I really need to put my mind to rest, ugh. Sorry this is so long, thanks for reading if you read it all feedback would be appreciated.(: