My husband’s ex’s baby!? Part 4

Ellie • Boy mom of 3 and two angels🧑🏼🧑🏼👦🏼👼🏼👼🏼 married 3.4.17💍 Certified Reiki Master and Crystal Healer💫


SO FINALLY AN UPDATE! About two weeks ago myself, my husband, BM, and GM all had a mandated meeting through DCF because of me and my husband’s complaints about the boys never getting to see their brother. During this meeting we came to an agreement that in the meantime before court GM is to bring the baby to every supervised visit that BM has with my sons and my husband and I get to have him at our house for 3 hours every Saturday (which I am ecstatic about). The boys are absolutely in their glory when they get to spend time with their brother which has only more solidified my opinion on the boys staying together. But since my last update GM has been trying to get into BMs mind telling her she wants to reunify the, and make sure she’s making the right choice for HER (not the baby), blah blah blah which I know is a load of shit because GM constantly to,d my while I was still his babysitter that if she had him over a year she’s not giving him back to her so she is completely manipulating her! So now BM is kind of second guessing herself which is driving me crazy because now I have no idea how court will go and to make matter even worse I got a call from the courthouse yesterday saying that our court date has been moved BACK to AUGUST 29TH! Almost a whole MONTH! So me and my husband sat down last night and agreed that next time the boys have a visit we are sitting BM down and having a talk because if she’s not going to have him go with us we would like to get started on our foster to adopt journey which we put on hold for 6 months now because she asked us to take him instead. So we would rather not wait another month an a half for us to go to court and basically say never mind and us have (I hate to say it, but) wasted all of our time where we could have already been done with our ho e studies and everything by now. Our goal is to keep the boys together and if she has just wasted our time and teased us this whole time I’ll literally be heartbroken 😔💔


I also talked to BM the day after the meeting and this was the conversation and she hasn’t replied to me since even to pictures I send her of any of the three boys. It’s been almost 3 weeks.🙄


So last night the boys had one of their supervised visits with BM so since she doesn’t have a vehicle (or a license probably at this point) I drop them off to and pick them up from the visits. So when I picked them up my husband came with me and we were able to pull BM aside a talk with her about what’s going on. After some small talk she finally answered and said that as of right now her mind hasn’t changed and she still wants the baby with us which is a huge relief!! But I’m still not going to trust it 100% because you never know with her. But while we were talking I ask let her know about what GM had said to me (multiple times) when I was still babysitting the baby which was that if she had him for over a year she was going to adopt him whether BM liked it or not which BM was not happy about and I don’t blame her and in return she let us know that GM has been telling her that my husband and I talked crap about BM to her (GM) all the time when I was still babysitting which is so not true!! I’m going to be honest, talking about anybody is kept between my husband and I and that’s it, no matter who it is. So needless to say I was pretty ticked off when I was told that. And if anybody was talking crap about BM it was GM. But at least the good news that came from all of this is that she still wants the baby with us❤️


Guys I am so annoyed. Yesterday we had our last mediated meeting and GM and BM said absolutely nothing while we were there so my husband got out of work 3 hours early to go to a meeting for 5 minutes and then leave so we wasted our time, gas, and his work hours to go to a meeting for literally nothingggggg! The only thing we found out was that GM has now also filed for guardianship of the baby which will now only make thing more annoying.🙄🙄🙄 but on the bright side we’re now down to less than 40 days until our court date!!


Okay so this isn’t really an update, but I really just need to talk to someone about this and who better than all the lovely ladies on here!? Well my youngest stepson who is just about 5 now told his brother that I’m lazy! So his brother (almost 7) came in a told me because it upset him. That fucking ripped me in half when he came in a told me that. I bust my ass for those boys on a daily basis and filled a role that I didn’t have to, but did because I love them more than life itself. So for him to call me lazy (especially compared to his egg donor of a BM) really fucking hurts. I spent probably a good half hour locked in my bathroom crying this morning.💔😭😢


Okay Ladies, I seriously need some opinions!! BM just called and asked if she can start having overnights with my two stepsons!? I mean she’s been doing okay for about 3 weeks now, maybe a month. But I just really don’t trust her after being okay for only about a month because it’s the same game every time, she’s okay for a few months and then hurts one of them again (physically) because all of a sudden she can’t handle it anymore and the last time we asked the boys if they wanted to sleep over there was when my oldest said yes and youngest said no and then she threw my oldest across the room (which is one of the main reasons she lost them this past time). My husband and I are both thinking we should probably tell her we should wait to talk about it until after we go to court and figure that out so it’s not persuading anyone’s opinion of what happens in the court room with their baby brother. Honestly I would love to tell her just flat out no because of what she’s done and we were just told a day or so ago by someone we bumped into at the store who let us know that she’s still doing heroin, but I know we would lose the baby if we did that.. but I also don’t want to have her hurt them again 💔


So 1: Hubby and I talked with BM on Saturday and even now she does still want him with us and she’ll be driving with us to court Wednesday morning! 😊❤️ but I’m still trying not to get my hopes up too much because she could get cold feet or the court could simply disagree 😣

2: It’s less than a week away!! 6 Days!


BM and I picked out the pictures of the baby with me, my husband, and my step kids that we think shows our loving bonds with him the most, it really solidified the fact that she really does want him with us❤️☺️


1) we are less than 24 hours away from possibly getting out baby boy!!❤️❤️❤️

2)BM and I had this conversation last night after she had her meeting with our DCF worker and it went so well!! I couldn’t have asked for a better meeting! (I crossed out any names and a comment from our previous conversation) also we were told on Friday that our court date might be moved back a week, but thank god it wasn’t!


NOTHING! We literally all went to court today for nothing! Nothing changed and now we just have to go back in two months because the judge won’t make her mind and GM won’t just let the boys have their brother! I’m sorry I don’t have a better update for you guys, today just went no where near as anyone planned.


Hi guys, I’m sorry I’ve been away, I’ve just been trying not to stress myself over the situation because there’s nothing I can do about it in the meantime sadly and we’ve just been trying to enjoy the visits we gets with him. Sadly GM still has not budged at all so it will end up being completely up to the judge on the 31st... wish us luck please! And thank you all so much for your support! ❤️❤️❤️


So bad news... JUST KIDDING! BM’s lawyer was finally able to get the courtroom to see what we’re trying to do and why and it’s paid off soo much! He was able to show the baby’s lawyer that it would be so much more beneficial for him to be with his brothers and she said she completely agrees and that it would be much better for him especially in the long run especially since now they realize it will be long term! (They were never informed that we were going to adopt him also until today 🙄... it was in all the paperwork) So now we have one more pre-trial conference next month on the 14th and then our official trial on January 30th! As of right now it looks like we’ll be getting him in January, but I don’t want to jinx us!! Thank you all for your support! And I’ll be sure to keep updating as things progress!!❤️❤️❤️

UPDATE # 44:

Guys I am LIVID! Not only is he apparently “hers”, but apparently he’s her favorite! Like I am so glad my kiddos are too young to have a fb because if they saw that comment it would break my fucking heart! 😭💔 (ps GM posted this on fb)


Our last pretrial conference is tomorrow!! I’m so excited to see what they say! This will give us an idea of what we’ll be walking into for our actual trial in January 30th. Also I’ll be meeting with BM’s lawyer (who is basically working as our lawyer also) to go over any evidence we want to bring 😊

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟PART 5 posted!!!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟