If you were famous....


not sure if this is controversial but going off the back of the post about whether anyone had dated anyone famous it made me think...

if you were famous, or were dating someone famous what's the worst story that someone could sell about you?

obviously you don't have to divulge your deep secrets but for me after my parents died I really didn't give a fuck about myself and would self harm in the form of drink and promiscuity and half the time I didn't care about who I was sleeping with I just wanted to feel wanted and loved and I'm not proud of that. so someone coming forward with stories about that would be devastating not just that but there are things that have happened that if it came out I think would just destroy me, because they are things that repulse me even thinking about and I can't imagine having people ever know those things. yes celebrities are in the spotlight but I don't agree with everything in their life being parades and displayed for the world