Diaphragm failure

Hello everyone,

May I just share my story with you.

I’m 28, have a brand new boyfriend, he is 32, and literally the first full month of dating I got pregnant, using diaphragm how I supposed to. I have PCOS, he has slow soldiers, when it turned out the very beginning I was even concerned about our future together, if we can have kids or not. Well, in the first month, using protection I fell pregnant, so certainly we can.

He is very supportive, he lets me to make the decision, however he did say he doesn’t think the right decision would be to keep the baby.

Let me just share his past with you. He got out of his last relationship a year ago, which lasted four years. He met his ex when she was 5 weeks pregnant (from an other man) and he started a relationship with her, raising that child as his own. They had unprotected sex for four years, and she never fell pregnant.

Now my question is do you think it’s fair that he took on an other man’s baby, raising as his, letting her brand new girlfriend to keep the baby and supporting her, but now as I’m pregnant with his own child he rather wants to terminate the pregnancy?

By the way, the whole story how we got together fits in a dream, and we did say we love each other the day before it turned out I’m pregnant. I’m just pretty confused, as I already have the mushy brain, and he is just shattered from the news and the changes, and doesn’t share as much information with me as I want to. Please give me an other point of view. Thank you! 😊