pOrN PoRn

Just stopping by to say it’s okay if you’re fine with porn! It’s okay if you aren’t! But porn world is a fantasy and I think too many women take their partners choice of porn to heart. I see a lot of women saying they’re worried their guy isn’t attracted to them because they found porn in his browser history, starring girls that look different from them. Or worrying their guy might be gay because they watched gay porn. If my guy were to look through my porn history, he’d think I was a closet lesbian who occasionally enjoys bondage and would sleep with the dad of the kids I’m babysitting. But I’m none of those things, nor would I enjoy any of that! 😂

It’s literally just porn, you don’t have to be okay with it. but for those who are, porn is fantasy. It doesn’t make you any less attractive, it’s not better than real life sex with the person you love, its JUST porn

(Minus an actual porn addiction, obviously. I didn’t wanna go that deep with it but yes I fully understand that it can be mentally addicting. I more so focused on the worry of it changing your partners perspective of YOU as a lover)