Does anyone ever stop telling you you’re brave for cloth diapering?


Seriously one of the most annoying and snarky things someone can do is tell you that you’re “brave” for cloth diapering. It’s like telling someone they’re “brave” for choosing to breastfeed or “brave” for taking your 3 kids on vacation or “brave” for having a baby in general! It’s not brave, it’s just a choice we are making as a family. Like damn, just keep your freakin thoughts to yourself.

By the way, I never tell anyone I’m choosing to cloth diaper unless they ask because I hate having that conversation altogether. I should just lie and tell them I’m doing disposables.

They take it as if my choice to cloth diaper is a direct insult to their choice not to cloth diaper. I don’t care if you used disposables or cloth diapers or if you just let your baby poop on you! You’re probably just doing what’s best for your family. So leave me alone and let me do what’s best for mine.