What should I do?

I don’t know where to put this, but I need help with a situation.

A very good friend of mine just told me today that from the ages of 11 - 16, she was sexually harassed, sexually assaulted and stalked by both her uncle and Imam (worship leader of her mosque).

Her mother has an inkling about what happened with the uncle, as my friend had been acting distant whenever he was around. The mother said do not go to his house by yourself and to stay away from him.

Her mother knows about the stalking with the Imam, as my friend reported it, but not the sexual assault. However, her mother started joking about the stalking as the Imam got married two weeks after the report and then divorced and she said to my friend that ‘He probably wanted to marry you.’.

She can’t really report the sexual harassment as it would eventually get back to her. And as she is Muslim and African, the stupid, f**cking, mentality they have is blame the girl as it isn’t the guys fault if this stuff happens. No-one would take her seriously.

Because of this, she regularly gets panic attacks, and has mental health issues. She also keeps to herself a lot.

I just don’t know how to help her as a friend and I need some advice.

Thank you.