Limited Women Pass 42 weeks Pregnancy.


Hard to find statistics on healthy women with no serious health issues that further complicate a 42+ week pregnancy and then those women who also naturally go into labor without medicine or induction.

It’s normal and typical to see newborns have some form of jaundice, meconium present and cord wrapped around neck. Rarely do doctors or midwifes say this. You have to be a mom gone through more than one labor to experience and obtain this type of knowledge.

Scare tactics from midwives occur immediately at the NST appointments. Be weary and prepared of midwives asking to meet you privately to introduce and coerce you into new exams you’ve never heard of and have little to none knowledge or details of or guilt you more for a possible future fetal death because of your own personal decisions you’d like to see happen in your pregnancy. Best answer is decline in the room full of nurses and/or midwives and/or doctors. Go home. And think about what they said before proceeding with their ideas or stand by your plans. Feelings of being alone in the final days of pregnancy will happen and pressure from everyone is on you to get baby out. I’ve learned a lot from my 42 week pregnancy. If I am blessed again to have a 3rd pregnancy, I will do things again slightly different.