3rd pregnancy,1st miscarriage 😭


hey guys!! I'm struggling after finding out I'm miscarrying my 3rd. Im around 6 or 7 weeks. I started spotting brown.went to Er a couple days after. said my HCG levels were only 125.7. explained that during the ultrasound they won't be able to see anything because it's so early. just verifying it's not an etopic.. left there with no answers as to why I was bleeding. just to see my OB soon and have my follow up HCG test done in 48hrs.

longest 48hrs of my life... my spotting had essentially stopped. so I was extremely hopeful that it was just normal since I never had red blood...I had my 2nd test done. got the email saying it's there... I shook as I waited for it to load. my levels were only 66. 😭😭 literally the second I set my phone down I started to gush bright red blood.. I've been bleeding heavy since. terrible cramping and low back pain. my doc has yet to call me back.

what can I expect over the next couple days in terms of bleeding etc..my fiance has skin graphing surgery in the morning and I want to be prepared for being away from home all day 😖