My Bestfriend🤦🏽‍♀️

this may be long so... please hang in there.

Im 16 and i met my bestfriend when i was in kindergarten (i thought she was my pre-k bsf but wasnt and we became friends). Throughout elementary i would always do anything for her no matter the cost. In 5th grade, we slowly drifted apart. But middle school, we became closer. mind you before then i would give her things. for example, my ipod because i wanted to talk to her and she would sometimes get her phone taken because she wouldnt do what her parents asked of her. So in middle school, i straighten up my act (i was bad asl) and she got worst. Her behavior got worst and so did her attitude. She would lie about stupid shit and her grades started to drop. One day i was looking for a specific pair of shoes and i couldnt find them. I remembered where i put them but they weren’t there. So i remembered she was over my house that day before, but i didnt think anything of it because ik she wouldn’t do that to me. So that weekend i went over her house and saw that she took them. I told my moms and she called her moms and she got a whooping. Mind you, i would literally do anything for this girl because i loved her like she was a sister (im the only child). I told her “i accept your apology, but you didnt have to steal them bc i wouldve literally let you have them”. so we carried on. Maybe years later our relationship started taking the turn for the worst.

As of rn, her attitude has changed and she thinks its ok to try me like im some regular bitch. Tbh i think she’s forgotten who i am.

btw i overcame my depression. but i havent been feeling myself these last few months. but im taking it day by day.

Do you guys think she’s a toxic bsf?

ive tried cutting her off but she’s like a dog... she keeps coming back.🤦🏽‍♀️

There’s more stuff but i didnt wanna drag it out.🤷🏽‍♀️

im just over this friendship tbh.🤦🏽‍♀️

Let me know in the comments.😌

update: i actually took you guys advice and dropped her. hopefully it lasts and i dont miss her. but ik thats impossible. but i wanted to thank you guys anyways.❤️