I need to get this off my chest.

Posting anonymously simply because it's personal. I don't even know if this is the right group really but whatever. I was sexually assaulted about 2 years ago. It was my senior prom night. Not exactly how I imagined my last prom night to end. For the most part, I just push it from my mind and focus on what lies ahead. Sometimes I have bad flash backs, but I'm okay. Well this morning I woke up from a really bad dream and I just can't bring myself to talk about it with anyone, even my fiancé, so I'm posting here. In the dream, I was brutally sexually assaulted. The man hit me upside the head with a wooden baseball bat, so hard he thought I was dead. I wasn't the only victim, I was just the only one who lived. I had nothing for the police. There were no leads until a lady stepped forward and said she could identify him. On her way in to the police department however, he killed her. He was then after me again, tying up loose ends. I woke up right when I heard his voice behind me. I've been awake for over an hour and can't seem to process it. My anxiety is so bad now. I'm making my fiancé follow me around because I'm afraid of being alone even in our own home. He told me I could talk to him when I was ready and just held me. I can't seem to vocalize it. I know this time it was just a dream, but I'm so scared. I haven't felt this afraid in awhile. 😔