I don't know what's happening.

Hi, so I need a little advice. 
I have PCOS and I have currently been on birth control (the pill) for about four or five months to regulate my periods and so far it's been doing great, my period comes every month around the same time, give or take a couple days. But a couple weeks ago, I got antibiotics for a UTI infection that I had gotten and was not properly informed ahead of time that antibiotics can make your birth control not work the same way and my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex multiple times (I know that's a big no no when you're not TTC). 
Well, now my period is a week late, I've continued  taking my pill like I should be and I've only spotted like, bright pink once. 
My boobs aren't really all that sore but I've been really tired and hungry, I've been bloated quite a bit, I've been really emotional, and I've been getting headaches more than usual. Also, I've been having a shortness of breath and I get these random hot flashes. 
I really don't know what could be going on.. 
I could use some help trying to figure it out or get someone to point me in the right direction as to where I should be going with this.