I feel so bad 😢

So I found out I was pregnant ( my first ) May 5th a day before my bf bday and we were both excited as hell .. he have two daughters already but I ended up having a miscarriage May 15th at 6W4D .. here’s the problem 3 of my friends and one of my cousins found out they were pregnant at the same time and all of them are still pregnant.. they all have been texting me asking was I attending their baby shower and I said no! It’s a touchy situation/subject for me and it still hurt like hell.. but I would want them to support me but right now I cannot do it .. seeing all these babies being born and I’m going home to nothing, I will not set myself up for that hurt. I honestly want to know am I wrong.. I want it to be fair on both ends so I’m sending gifts but I’m not showing my face. Nor am I ready to hold anyone’s newborn baby . Maybe I’m overreacting