Previous C-Section pain - is VBAC bad idea?

I had a emergency section with last baby due to distress with me not progressing for two days and always have had a tugging pain in the corner knot of the scar (although visibly it looks fine) and really struggled to heal with that pain.

Preggers with number 2, 3 years later (14 weeks) and the pain in that corner is not just the normal stretch pain you get. It’s the same tugging but sharper and stronger and I have to stop sometimes and not move to let it settle - this can be from turning in the night, coughing, sneezing, just sitting up to stand etc.

Midwife and doctor thinks I’m fine for VBAC even with this pain which I assume can only get worse...but when it comes to pushing and contractions I can’t imagine the pain I feel like sometimes even now I’m ripping myself inside!

Advice anyone?